Planet Earth Software is a software house releasing innovative products:
- Sɪᴀ (soon to be called Genius)
The serious mind mapping tool,
one that can handle tens of thousands of nodes.
A whole new class of application.
You shall wonder how you survived without it.
Watch the four minute introduction.
See in a glance when live music you like is playing near you in Auckland, Wellington or Christchurch.
This has a sophisticated, novel and effective engine for extracting information from web pages.
Websites in this complex domain can be modelled in 15 minutes.
I coined the term ʜᴛᴍʟ — Human Targetted, Moving Layout! to describe the challenges of this field:
The pages are not designed to be read by a computer and the structure may change.
- Remove Empty Folder
A small free tool to avert disasters with your precious files.
- Online Takeaways Menus
A web site for your local takeaways.
Email for information.